2016第四届中国电子信息博览会(CITE 2016)昨日在深圳会展中心落幕,2016第二届深圳国际机器人与智能系统博览会”吸引了来自世界各观众前来参观展会。
2019年 9月3日上午,东莞市工信局副局长郑文志、市工信局经济运行科科长幸洪胜及长安镇镇委领导一行7人莅临我司进行调研指导工作
Compared to 4G networks, the biggest advantage of 5G is large broadband, low latency and large connectivity.
We need to go deep into an industry and build a reliable hammer that is just right for hammering the nails that are in demand
Industrial automation market in all major regions has achieved good results
Where is the demand for machine vision technology from an industrial user's perspective, and where are the market segments?
What the cloud needs is an ultra-fast connection to the graphics chip
A machine vision inspection system consists of optical sensors, cameras, lenses, video frame grabbers, light source systems, and vision software.
Digital technology not only connects production and consumption, but also changes the way production itself works from the inside, optimizing production efficiency without touching the production line, while only moving data