Company News
2017Samson Technology travels to Meizhou Jiaying College to recruit talent for 2017
Source:Samsun Technology
On December 3, Mr. Zhang, the president of Samson Technology and his party went to Meizhou to participate in the supply and demand meeting of 2017 graduates of Jiaying College to recruit and reserve higher talents for the company's future rapid development, during which the school's Dean Chen and Vice President Zhang of the School of Physics and Optical Information Technology had great interest in the company's optical application technology and visited the recruitment site to have technical exchanges with Mr. Zhang, indicating that there would be more in-depth cooperation from education and delivery of talents in the future. They expressed more in-depth cooperation from education and talent transfer.

Jia Ying College 2017 Graduates Supply and Demand Meeting Venue

Samson Technology recruitment exchange site

Jia Ying College 2017 Graduates Supply and Demand Meeting Venue

Samson Technology recruitment exchange site

On-site technical exchange between Dean Chen and Vice Dean Zhang of the School of Physics and Optical Information Technology and General Manager Zhang of the company.